Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Day 130- A Little Bit of Renewed Spirit

For a while I was getting a bit discouraged with this vegetarian thing.  I wanted meat SO much so that I caved and ate a few crawfish tails a few weekends ago.  I discovered something interesting upon eating them though...I really didn't want them.  I ate a few and looked at them and discovered that the craving really was all in my head.  I really have lost the desire to eat meat all together.  I didn't need the craw fish tails, but it did help me learn something, and now I have moved on.  Have I gained weight back?  No...but I wasn't losing any either, and I decided to stop being in the dumps and get off my butt and do something about it.

I've been doing a lot of research into vitamins and superfoods and I have recently been on this smoothie kick.  I am in love with my smoothies.  I literally cram in as many fruits and veggies and even some nuts, raw honey, raw cocoa, extra vitamin C, yogurt and almond milk.  I don't feel hungry and they are always super delicious, and it's really convenient for my drive into work.  I am also drinking TONS of water and suprise surprise...all of the bad things in my body are coming out.  Quite literally (sorry to gross anyone out.)  I feel so much more refreshed and renewed in the mornings now than I have in a long time.  I have even been making the effort to exercise everyday, even if it's just light walking.

So there's my update.  Hopefully I'll be making more now that I'm back on track.  Goodnight all.

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